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22 Oct 2020

Updated Statement From I.C. Electrical Limited [COVID-19]

Dear Client, colleague, or supplier.

Following our Statement made on Monday 20th October and after consultation with Public Heath England we can advise that close contacts of Covid_19 positive staff members have been told to Self-isolate.

In accordance with Public Heath England advice all other symptom-free staff are able to continue working under usual Covid_19 protocols such as social distancing, use of face masks along with increased hand washing and sanitisation.

The IC Electrical Ltd head offices and Tehdas buildings have been sanitised throughout and as such the offices are ready for full occupation again from Monday 26th October.

Further to Governmental guidelines some staff are able to work from home and will continue to do so.
Please stay safe and follow UK Government and World Health Organisation guidelines.

For and on behalf of IC Electrical Ltd

Tim McNeilly
Managing Director